Coaches, team managers and other Club personnel shall communicate with parents or carers of all Under 18’s via text or email. Communication shall not be directly with the child, should a child attempt to correspond on a personal basis with a coach, they should be reminded of this policy and parents be copied in.
In the case of 16 and 17 year olds it is acceptable to copy in the Child in order that they get the information whilst parents are aware of communications from the club.
Social Media
Facebook and the like are good tools for sharing news, events, fixtures etc. Coaches and Managers who set up and maintain closed/private group pages shall not become “friends” with Children.
Those with parental responsibility are asked when signing up whether they will allow children’s images to be published. In any case we will make sure that children can’t be identified by name on photographs.
The club pages shall reflect our ethos, should inappropriate comments or posts be made, they will be removed and the author reminded of the club rules